5 Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Business Website

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The amount of traffic flowing to your website is directly related to how much new business you take in. Not only this, but it is highly influential in helping to maximize client retention. You, like everyone else, probably want as much as you can get. Here are five ways to make it happen.

Develop a Strong Inbound Strategy

The more reasons you give people to visit your business website, the more of them will show up. Of course, these can't be just any reasons, you'll want to focus on that can help to maximize customer retention. Build a compelling and distinctive brand with excellent and skillful use of . Explore not only written content, but also video and eye-catching graphics. Do your research when it comes to keywords so that you can keep your SEO as sharp as a tack. Build an audience and nurture it!

Conduct Smart and Effective Ad Campaigns

PPC advertising is generally seen as quite technical in nature, but don't be fooled. It can be as nuanced as it is challenging. Your ad copy must compete with those of countless other ads from your competitors. Your landing pages must be carefully designed to cater to the specific needs and interests of the visitor so that you can lock down those conversions. Don't underestimate the importance of effective bidding either, both in terms of keyword research and budgeting.

Track, Measure, and Report

From your advertising to your SEO, social strategy, and beyond, the progress and results of nearly every aspect of your plan can and should be analyzed on a routine basis so that you can make adjustments and key decisions as necessary. Agility in marketing is critical to increasing your digital marketing ROI over time. Considering how powerful today's analytics tools are, and how skillfully your friendly neighbourhood marketing experts can use them, you don't have much of an excuse to slack when it comes to tracking and measuring your efforts!

Make Sure Your Site Can Convert

Even with quick-witted social media posts, a solid reputation on review sites, and masterful ad campaigns, more traffic means very little if your site can't convert. It should be mobile friends, intuitive, and visually appealing. Devote resources to conversion rate optimization as well. This is not only critical for securing new customers, it can even supplement your inbound efforts by giving you more insight into your audience and creating a better experience for your visitors.

Utilize Marketing Automation

Speaking of a better experience, another powerful means to get more traffic to your website is . This represents a diverse set of tools, but one of its central capabilities is creating more personalized experiences for your audience and guiding visitors to your site based on their interests and the history of their engagement with your brand. This is particularly useful for turning mailing list subscribers into clients, but the possibilities extend far beyond this!

If you're interested in The team at CAYK can help your business get more traffic than ever, but that's far from being our only area of expertise. From boosting customer retention to creating top-notch content, we're here to strengthen all of your marketing efforts. Call us at (403) 456-0072 to get started!


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