3 Major Uses for Marketing Automation

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Previously, we mentioned that personalized email campaigns are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to . It can serve a multitude of purposes to help your business grow, so why not take a closer look? Here are three areas where it really shines.

Analyzing and Understanding Your Leads

Whether it's getting someone to sign up for you email list, fill out a survey or other form, or follow you on , capturing leads is a crucial step in gaining new business. However, capturing a lead is only half the battle. You also have to understand who they are, what they want, what they're interested in, and more. Marketing automation allows you to learn as much as possible about your leads by automatically tracking, analyzing, profiling, and segmenting them. Progressive profiling is an especially important component of this, allowing you to gather an increasing amount of data on a lead or customer throughout their journey with your brand.

Nurturing Leads and Maximizing Retention

Marketing automation tools also provide you with the means to guide your leads closer and closer to the bottom of the purchase funnel. If your progressive profiling and segmentation practices hit the mark, you'll be equipped to qualify and nurture your leads through automated processes that are tailored to the precise nature of their behaviour. Other assets in this process include personalized automated email campaigns, your social media profiles, your strategy, and more. Combine all of this with skillful conversion rate optimization and you'll really be in business. You'll not only nurture leads like a pro, you'll also maximize customer retention.

Making Your Business More Efficient

You may primarily understand marketing automation tools as being designed for your consumer-facing marketing efforts. This is a significant portion of their scope, but additionally, automation tools are commonly used to streamline and optimize internal business processes, both directly and indirectly linked with your marketing strategy. Whether it's managing appointments and meetings, communicating with team members and clients, or structuring the execution of crucial marketing tasks and workflows, the automation tools available today are both powerful and highly versatile. Use them to make your business stronger than ever!

Even within each of these key categories, implementing marketing automation within your strategy can have far-reaching effects on the growth, visibility, and reputation of your business. Are you ready to fully capture its potential? Call (403) 456-0072 to speak with our experts today!


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