Why Your Business Needs a Blog

Your Business Needs a Blog
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Marketing is an ever-changing landscape with techniques and trends coming and going. You may hear some marketers claiming that blogging is a marketing method of the past. However, with so many people learning, socializing and shopping online, blogging is still a critical element for any business (large, small, local, online, product or service provider). The following are several reasons why your business needs a blog.

  • To increase traffic to your website: Relevant is a useful tool to increase traffic to your website. Businesses that incorporate a blog on their website get 55% more website traffic than those that don't.
  • To establish trust with your clients: If you use your blog as a platform to address common concerns and/or questions from your customers, you show that you care about your client's problems. This creates trust. People are more likely to purchase goods/services from a company that they trust. 
  • To keep your audience updated about your business: A blog is a great tool to keep your audience informed about changes and additions to your business. It's a means of communicating about your products and services, relevant and brand personality.
  • To increase visibility: A company with a regular blog receives 97% more inbound links than a company without a blog. 
  • Improve SEO: The more blog content you create the more opportunities for search engines to drive organic traffic to your website, strengthening your SEO.
  •  To give your company a voice: A blog gives you the flexibility to tell your story, to convey your company's values and goals. 
  • To improve internal linking: Internal links included in your blogs help visitors navigate your site, directing them to important pages and linking them to other blog posts. 
  • To get feedback from your customers: Blogs create a two-way conversation with customers, leads and industry peers. They provide room to ask questions, comment on content and/or start a conversation. Encourage discussion in the comment sections of your blogs. Use this conversation to examine your company from the perspective of your audience/customers. Utilize the information gleaned to make changes that improve your products/services.
  • To build your email list: is effective. The global email market was valued at $7.5 billion in 2020 and is projected to increase to $17.9 billion by 2027. But, it's not easy to get people to sign up for an email list. A blog keeps your business in front of your audience. If the content is informative, relevant and engaging, your readers are more likely to join your email list.
  • To teach about products/services: A blog is a platform for in-depth explanations about products and/or services. Include case studies, benefits, tips and how-to guides. 
  • Keep updated regarding your industry/sector: To maintain a blog means you'll be on the lookout for interesting news, issues and trends that relate to your industry/sector. This encourages you to keep abreast of the latest developments that affect your company. 
  • To keep your customers engaged: New and intriguing content will keep customers interested and returning to your site. Include photos, videos and links to gain the attention of followers and ensure they come back for the next post. Make sure you stay top-of-mind with current customers/followers. 
  • To establish your company as an expert: Share blog posts after industry conferences. Discuss trends that impact your customers. Share your perspective. Answer frequently asked questions. Teach what you know and soon you will be seen as an expert in your field/sector. 
  • To create shareable content: Blog posts create content that can easily be shared on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and other channels, exposing your company to new audiences. Link recent and relevant blog posts to your output. Use quotes, pictures and/or screenshots from your post to engage your audience on the social media platforms your business uses.

A blog is a valuable marketing tool. If you wish to reach new audiences, build your brand and stand out from the competition, take the time to incorporate a regular blog on your website. It provides a strong foundation for your marketing and is a great way to share ideas, build a community and engage people. Use your blogs to deal with industry issues, strengthen your business and communicate with your customers. 

Need help crafting high-quality blog posts that support your efforts? Interested in implementing a cohesive blog strategy or looking to improve your current blog strategy? Call us at (403)-456-0072 or email [email protected]. Allow us to be your very own marketing department! Connect with our tightly-knit team of knowledgeable digital-first consultants, each eager to help your business grow. Contact us today.


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