How to Create Effective Online Content

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is the lifeblood of digital marketing. If you have any hopes of keeping your organic traffic strong, it's all about keeping the quality of your content in tip-top shape. So how does one actually maintain quality control in a dependable way? Let's run through a few key strategies.

Create Something of Value

One of the first things a potential client will want to do when visiting your website is know that you care about your work. In order for this to happen, you need to create informative, well-composed content on a regular basis. This demonstrates that you are knowledgeable in your field and have put genuine care and effort into building a site full of engaging material just for them. Blogging is excellent for this, and once you throw great images or even quality video into the mix, you'll have an irresistible variety of content that shows you mean business.


Having an engaging site is one thing, but actually drawing visitors to it is another entirely. This is one of the greatest strengths of a good blog. If done properly, your writing will have a measurable impact on your organic traffic once you get smart about SEO. Do some research into what keywords in your industry carry good weight for searchability, or even find ways to fit full search phrases into your blog to cover your bases. Careful not to overdo this, however. Your blog should be readable in a natural way without feeling like a robotic collage of search terms!

Your Call to Action

One thing that many fail to consider as an important element to their site's content is a call to action. This is a section at the end of your blog post or even beneath your embedded video that encourages the reader into action after they've learned about the business. Without it, a blog can seem unenthusiastic about making contact with the visitor. It's critical to let the reader know what you're genuinely eager to get in touch with them and discuss their needs. Different sites will write a call to action in different ways, but we like to do them like this:

At CAYK, we put our marketing expertise into practice every day to provide quality, enriching content for our visitors. If you'd like to find out how you can make this work for your business, give us a call at (403) 456-0072 today!

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