How to Track the Deliverables of Responsive Internet Marketing

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If you have done business with us recently, then you already know how excited we are to be able to bring responsive plans to so many companies in and around calgary. One of the things we focus on with responsive marketing, of course, is continual improvement, rather than simply “sticking to what we've done in the past.”

In other words, we try to put our attention on the deliverables, rather than the individual pieces of an Internet marketing plan itself. But, what do those deliverables actually look like?

Here are a few of the things we pay close attention to:

Search engine positioning. By adding new to your website, we help make it more attractive to , Yahoo, and Bing. Improving your search engine positioning is an important first step towards attracting more traffic, and eventually more online customers.

Social media following. If people are adding you to their lists on Facebook and Twitter, that's another outlet for promoting your business and marketing messages. A strong social following makes it easier to find customers and build loyalty.

Email newsletter subscribers. When you have lots of valid, opt-in email addresses on your newsletter's distribution list, you have a virtually free way to contact thousands of customers, and potential customers, all at once. That makes promoting new discounts, products, and ideas a snap.

Actual new customers. Naturally, keeping one eye on new sales and account openings is important, as well, since that's the ultimate goal of your Internet marketing plan.

By looking at these kinds of figures, we can get to the heart of responsive Internet marketing and see what's actually working – and even better, adjust our plans over time if needed. That way, we can always be sure that you're getting the most for your money, and your Internet marketing campaigns are moving in the right direction.

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