Does It Matter if Your Internet Marketing Company Is in Canada?

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Some web designers and companies would like you to think that our work revolves around pixels and code. If that were true, then hiring a vendor from Canada might seem like a nice luxury, but ultimately one that would cost you too much money for too little benefit.

It's hard to argue with that line of thought. In theory, you can get quality web design and Internet marketing assistance from anywhere on the globe, because it technically requires little more than a web connection and a basic understanding of things like and HTML.

However, as anyone who has experience in this industry can tell you, there is more to Internet marketing than slapping a few lines of code together, and where you turn for assistance can make a huge difference.

That isn't just because your favorite Calgary web designer is on the same time zone as your business; it goes a lot deeper than that. Here are three quick but critical advantages you get from working with a Canadian Internet marketing firm:

1. Your marketing company can get to know you. There's a reason long-distance relationships rarely work out. If you want a web designer to know your business in a way that lets them maximize your online opportunities, you should choose a local firm.

2. They can understand your customers and marketing proposition. If you've ever tried to call an overseas customer service center and been frustrated when they can't understand the product or concern, you already know what this issue is about. Do you really want to run your marketing the same way?

3. You can find a business with the right reputation for service. Let's face it: An overseas company could disappear with your money overnight and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Do you really want to take that kind of risk?

Lots of people would like to convince you that you can get great Internet marketing help from anywhere, but that's just not the truth. Call our team today and see what kind of difference we can make in your business!

By David A. West  Join me on Google+

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