Why Responsive Internet Marketing Is Only Getting Bigger

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Although we were amongst the first Calgary firms to adopt the concept of responsive marketing campaigns, we expect many others are going to follow our example soon. That isn't just because clients love responsive marketing, or even because of the incredible results we've been able to generate for the companies we work with.

The biggest reason responsive Internet marketing is only getting bigger is because the current rate of change in the industry demands it.

To put things another way, search, , and online advertising are all evolving at an accelerating rate. Whereas you used to be able to update your website once every few years and stay current, the best practices and strategies now can shift in just a few months. It isn't enough to simply make a plan and hope for the best – smart companies are anticipating things to look different in the future and knowing that they'll need to adapt.

In today's digital world, the choice for companies of all sizes isn't whether to keep up or not, it's whether to keep growing and evolving or disappear. Just as there aren't really many businesses or industries that can thrive without a strong web presence anymore, it may soon be the case that even local retail shops will need to be savvy with things like mobile marketing, local , social media interactions, and reputation management.

All of this change points to responsive Internet marketing that shifts with new tactics and goals on a monthly or quarterly basis. It's taken a lot of companies – and more than a few Calgary web designers – a while to adjust to this trend, but it's likely that responsive marketing will soon be the default way of doing business, not a new option.

Talk to CAYK® today and see what we can do for your website and Internet marketing!

By David A. West  Join me on Google+

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