The Worst Way to Think About Internet Marketing in 2013

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There is a very common way of developing plans, and if you follow it, the results are probably strangling your business slowly…

It goes something like this: The client (usually a business owner or executive) seeks out a Calgary web design company and gets a new site along with a list of activities designed to drive traffic. In the short term, things look good, and sales start to trend in the right direction.

Over time, though, the same old established tactics stop working the way they did before. Eventually, the client becomes frustrated, finds a new web design partner to work with, and starts the whole process over again from the beginning.

The reason that things like this tend to work for a limited time, if at all, is because the focus is put on a list of activities to try, rather than a real goal that's trying to be achieved. In other words, all the attention is paid to things like ads and blog posts, but the approach never changes from one quarter or year to the next. And so, once the competitive landscape has shifted a little bit, or customer preferences start to be a little bit different, results move in the wrong direction.

Smart Calgary web design companies have learned the hard way that this sort of plan never works the way it's supposed to over time. And so, businesses like ours are adopting a newer, smarter approach called agile marketing.

It works on a different premise: Instead of promising a certain activity, we meet regularly with our clients to find out what sort of results they want to generate, with the understanding that these goals and targets might change over time. As they do, we shift our thinking and resources to best meet their current challenges, not a set of goals that were relevant years ago.

Simply making a plan and blindly following it for years is a prescription for Internet marketing failure. Call us today and let us explain how agile marketing can help your business grow.

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