Is Your Social Plan Missing You?

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These days, it goes without saying that you can’t have a truly powerful digital marketing strategy without a plan for seizing the potential of . So what’s the most important ingredient of your company’s approach to utilizing this resource? At the end of the day, it’s you!

The Philosophy Behind Social

Social media is used for many things, but not all of them are essential to the core philosophy that makes it so great. It may be fun and often valuable to accumulate likes and follows for your company’s pages. Posting at a consistent pace also probably seems like a key aspect of making it work for your business. However, neither are what social media is truly about. At the heart of it, it’s a way to ensure that your unique, genuine voice as a brand is heard and contributes to your community. Without your active, sincere presence, this can’t happen!

What Does An Active Presence Require?

You’ll hear social media and marketing experts talk a lot about the importance of maintaining an active presence in your social strategy, but what exactly does this mean? First and foremost, it’s about knowing what you have to contribute. What’s unique about you as a business owner and what personal touch can you offer your brand that no one else could? Much of the time the secret to this lies in letting the personality of your company show through in your use of social media. Share photos and info pertaining to your team, develop your own distinctive voice and style, and get creative!

Knowing Where You Stand

You and your company will need to make a series of decision that determine what side of the social media fence you’re on. There are plenty of businesses out there that exert the bare minimum effort, often by setting up a profile and either posting too seldom or posting too often, with low quality content and engagement. Meanwhile, there are businesses that dive in head first and make a mark for themselves as a truly compelling and enjoyable brand in the social world. If you want your company to thrive, you’ll need to stand with the latter!

Do you play an active role in your social media strategy? If not, your audience deserves better! The CAYK team can help your business succeed in many departments of marketing, so whether it’s social media or your advertising that needs some work, call us at (403) 456-0072 today!

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