Are You Getting Untrustworthy Marketing Advice?

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Digital marketing is a competitive field, and everyone has their own approach to helping businesses succeed. However, an agency that approaches you with certain motives may not have your best interests at heart. From false data to false promises, here’s how to spot them.

The Traffic Audit

Dishonest marketing agencies employ a number of unsavory strategies to get new clients, but there’s one in particular that we’d like to focus on. If you run a small business, you may at some point be approached by a marketing team offering to run a free test of your site’s rate of visitor traffic over the past few months, purporting to use auditing tools like Alexa or SEMrush. This could be via phone, email, or an online form. Following the test, you’ll probably be told that your traffic has not improved across the time they tested it for, and that with their services you’ll see the increase that you want.

What’s Really Going On?

The shock of learning that your site is underperforming could make it tempting to believe them. However, there’s a pretty high likelihood that this assessment of your traffic isn’t entirely truthful. In fact, they may not have even run a genuine audit in the first place. If you’re already working with a different team, this deceptive agency’s motive is first and foremost to distance you from that team so that they can step in. They simply want to get you as a client, not to help your company with its marketing efforts out of a genuine desire to see you succeed.

Transparency and Results

As surprising as it may be to hear that marketers get up to these kinds of things, it’s unfortunately not uncommon. It highlights a key underlying issue behind many marketing practices: Transparency matters more than some are willing to admit. A marketing team has a responsibility to work with its clients in a way that offers all the information they need on a routine basis. This is why CAYK believes so strongly in the importance of 30-day and 90-day account reviews. It demonstrates not only that we have the ability to get you results, but that we have the integrity to provide you with the experience you deserve!

Don’t be fooled by deceptive tactics. A that doesn’t practice honesty and integrity won’t have your back when it matters most. To find out more about how we structure our marketing plans to put your needs first, get in touch with CAYK at (403) 456-0072 today!

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