Mobile and Your Marketing Plan in 2016

Mobile and Your Marketing Plan in 2016
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As you may know, 2015 was a benchmark year for the ever-evolving relationship between the internet and consumer mobile devices. It was the first year in history that the number of mobile-only internet usage among adults surpassed that of desktop-only usage. This year, you should plan accordingly!

The Basics

Let’s consider your site and your SEO. Firstly, the necessity of a mobile friendly site is indisputable. And we’re not just talking about a quick responsive overhaul. Your visitors will navigate your site differently and have different expectations when using a mobile device. Considering the psychology of this will be to your advantage, such as the relatively short attention spans and browsing times on mobile compared to desktop. Also keep an eye on the rise of voice search. Thanks to this and mobile devices, we’re entering an age where simple and unnatural keywords are subsiding in favor of more natural, conversational strings of information.

New Forms of Advertising

If you’re currently reluctant to take apps like Instagram and Snapchat seriously, you may want to reconsider. By the end of last year, Instagram opened its advertising capabilities to businesses everywhere. While Snapchat’s current system is still in its infancy in terms of accessibility and versatility, it’s only a matter of time before their in-progress API will make for a practical and effective mode of targeted advertising. When you consider their usership, potential behind both of these can’t be ignored. Neither can AdWords’ “mobile-preferred” function, vertical video ads tailored for phone screens, native ads placed within apps (which can often bypass adblock software), and more.

Adaptability & Creativity

In general, mobile usage should be viewed as enough of a game-changer that it should fundamentally transform the way you approach your company’s brand. It’s an opportunity for you to adapt in new and exciting ways, so be prepared to think of marketing in much more flexible and creative terms. Whether it’s the development of an app for your business to customize and streamline customer experience or the use of features like Instagram’s “Shop Now” to integrate your social profiles with e-commerce, the possibilities are always expanding. Whatever route you take, it’s clear that 2016 is only the beginning for mobile!

Is your business ready to stay current among the latest developments in digital marketing? CAYK can help you stay prepared! To fortify your brand for 2016 and beyond, give us a call at 403-456-0072 today!

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