What to Do If You Need More Business Now

What to Do If You Need More Business Now
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The success of your marketing plan and how quickly you get results depends on what tools you use and how. Some take time while others are more immediate. So what if you need results as soon as possible? Here are a few things you should consider.


If you want to spark a boost in traffic and start locking down more conversions with an AdWords campaign, it's important to have a budget, use careful strategy, and maintain feasible expectations. Bid intelligently on keywords with good search volume, write relevant ad copy that ranges from referring to specific services to covering broader terms, and focus on getting the most clicks from your budget as possible rather than splurging on high visibility. That last one is key in the early stages of a campaign, especially for a small business. High visibility does not necessarily mean more conversions, so don't overstretch your budget and compromise your ROI!

Irresistible Offers

Making offers is a pretty flexible approach because it can be designed to both convert potential clients and retain current ones. When it comes to current clients, make time-limited special offers via email or campaigns. Target your offers by taking note of what services your clients rely on most often and discounting them or combining them into packages. When it comes to potential clients, offers are sometimes made in exchange for information. Trials, demos, coupons, or specified consultation offers that become available upon the completion of a form can be a great way to get those conversions rolling again.

Reflecting On Your Practices

There are many practical possibilities out there for getting your numbers back to where they should be, but what about your instincts? Marketing expertise will get you far, but no one knows your business better than you do. Take a few steps back and build a snapshot of your company when it was particularly busy. What were you doing correctly? What has changed? Is it a result of factors on the outside affecting your industry, or factors on the inside affecting your decisions? Clear and concise understanding of these considerations will allow you to adapt and get truly time-efficient results from your marketing tools!

While good things do come to those who wait, CAYK understands that sometimes you need swift marketing tactics that will help to get you back on the right foot. Call us at 403-456-0072 to find out how we can help!

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