Important Considerations for Hiring a Marketing Agency

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Deciding to move your marketing in a new direction always comes with a lot of options and even more considerations. One of the larger decisions comes down to whether or not you rely on a singular professional within your organization, or if you need to outsource your marketing efforts to an established agency. When it comes to online and digital marketing, you can't go wrong with hiring a team to take your business to the top.

Be More Profitable While Spending Less

Once the upcoming minimum wage increase comes into effect in Alberta, the cost of hiring a single minimum wage employee for a full time position will be over $35,000. This expense includes CPP, EI, twelve statutory holidays, and vacation pay. Hiring a more qualified or experienced individual, like a marketing manager, will involve much higher wage expectations. In some cases hiring an agency will cost a business significantly less than a single full time staff member. Besides, when was the last time your employee submitted an ROI evaluation on the cost of their salary?

Gain Access to Multiple Talented Individuals

One person has some skills, but an agency has many. Consider having a single full time employee to manage your . If they are a talented designer, they're probably not a skilled programmer. If they are a skilled programmer, they probably do not claim to be a professional writer, and if they are a writer, I bet that they don't have decades of experience in marketing. Why hire one person, and get one skillset, if you can hire an entire team?

Get Better Results With Less of Your Time

If you hire one person, you also need to manage that person. Working with an agency should be as seamless as working with your most productive employee. They should be coming to you with recommendations, strategy, and reports. What they should not be doing is consuming your valuable time by requiring your direct supervision to ensure that your goals are being met.

By working with an agency like CAYK Marketing Inc., you get a team experienced in the latest digital marketing trends, knowledge in , management, conversion optimization, and, at the core, . Our staff is certified in Adwords and Analytics,and we have Hubspot and Sharpspring Specialists on board, not to mention decades of experience online, even many years before Google was founded. This means we know how to market a business, run ad campaigns, review data, and optimize your marketing processes. Beyond everything else, we employ a whole team of designers, programmers, and over a dozen writers.

You get more talent, save management time, and can actually measure results of your efforts, all while potentially saving on overall expenses. If you're interested in hiring an agency to take care of your online marketing, feel free to contact the CAYK team for a consultation.

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