What you Need to Know About Generational Target Audiences

What you Need to Know About Generational Target Audiences
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Your target audience is the people you want to reach with your marketing message; your potential customers. Instead of trying to reach an entire market, companies choose a particular audience, putting time and energy into connecting with that defined group. Once you've established your target market, it's important to get to know them. This makes it easier to decide how to reach them and what message will resonate. Sometimes your target market is generational.

If Gen Z  is Your Target Audience:

Generation Z is composed of individuals born after 1995. This population group is on the way to being the largest generation in human history, as well as the most educated and diverse. Gen Z members tend toward a liberal set of attitudes, are open to emerging social trends and are expected to represent 40% of consumers by the end of 2020. Members of this generation are fluent in online communications, care about climate change, frugality and equality. They hold views that differ significantly from their parents and are quick to spot hypocritical messaging. Gen Z members own smartphones (94%), tablets (56%), listen to the radio (82%) and subscribe to traditional TV (53%). They get their news primarily from Twitter, post their aspirational selves on Instagram and save less filtered for Snapchat. Generation Z watches more YouTube content (34% of daily video intake) than Netflix (27%), averages 68 videos a day, and documents their lives on . Gen Zers are opinionated and prefer brands that support their views.

If Millennials are Your Target Market:

Millennials were born between 1981 and 1995 and comprise 30% of the population. Members of this generation own laptops (84%), tablets (53%), and smartphones (93%). They enjoy reading blogs, with 300 words being their sweet spot for length. If you're looking to contact them, the best time to do so is between 8 p.m. and midnight. Millennials check their phones an average of 10 times per hour and spend 5 to 10 hours per week checking out digital content. They favour the use of laptops and mobile phones, use social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube and like to view entertainment, technology, comedy and sports. Members of this generation look to experts and consumer reviews to help with buying decisions rather than TV, magazines and books. Loyalty and rewards programs are important to Millennials and they value free shipping as a benefit.

If Gen X is Your Target Market:

Gen X is composed of individuals born between 1965 and 1980 and makes up 26% of the population. They have the largest disposable income with nearly 1/5 of this generation making between $150,000 and $200,000 per annum. They outspend all other generations when it comes to housing, clothing, eating out and entertainment. Gen Xers own smartphones (90%), tablets (66%), laptops (80%), and Fitbits (21%). They subscribe to traditional TV (71%), listen to the radio (90%) and still read newspapers (62%). This generation spends an average of 5 to 10 hours per week online, usually between 8 p.m. and midnight, and they enjoy watching entertainment, healthy-living content and news. The laptop is their favoured device to view content and blogs are their favoured form of online reading.

If Baby Boomers Are Your Target Market:

Born between 1946 and 1964, Baby Boomers make up 27% of the population. They are healthier, fitter, more active and have a longer life expectancy than their predecessors. This generation has more wealth than any generation before them (spending $2.9 trillion per year) and are some of the biggest online shoppers. Baby Boomers spend 20+ hours per week consuming online content, are best reached in the morning (9 a.m. to noon) and like to view entertainment, news and politics. Boomers own tablets (54%), subscribe to traditional TV (86%), and listen to the radio (89%). An unprecedented number of Baby Boomers work past 65 (65%) and many of these are self-employed (40%). Many members of this generation (up to 59%) are supporting adult children (18 to 39 years of age). Boomers research purchases online using consumer websites for information. They favour Facebook and YouTube.

Make sure your marketing strategy addresses the needs and wants of your generational target audience. Keep in mind their priorities and their preferred methods of communication. Reach out to customers in ways they can relate to and you'll increase the effectiveness of your marketing campaign.

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