One Surprising Way to Improve Your Internet Marketing

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Looking for an offbeat and unconventional way to improve your campaigns this fall? Try something radical – ignore and as a whole for a couple of months.

Before you start wondering how we're going to defend ourselves against such heresay, note that we aren't suggesting you give up the world's largest search engine and its billions of users permanently. Instead, we are recommending that you take a break from obsessing about keywords, links, and algorithms.

If you were to do so, even for a limited amount of time, you might benefit from a handful of interesting side effects:

Better blog posts and other . It's easy to get blinded by keywords and links when you're putting together posts, but that's not what attracts readers (and ultimately those readers give you SEO results). By ignoring SEO, you can pay attention to producing clear, compelling posts that attract attention organically.

More focus on other Internet marketing avenues. A lot of the companies we work with fall into the trap of ignoring things like and PPC because they already have a profitable SEO effort in place. Who says you have to give up one just to enjoy the other?

Stronger social interaction. The same goes for , which often takes a backseat to SEO even though it can be just as powerful. Plus, the stronger your social following is, the more likely you are to enjoy a high Google page rank.

Ultimately, the goal would be to take these advantages and not just profit from them, but use them for a more comprehensive search engine optimization plan going forward. So you see, we aren't asking you to give up SEO at all… just to consider not prioritizing it so heavily that you miss the forest for the trees.

Some things are just crazy enough to work, and we encourage you to give our non-SEO search-boosting plan a try this fall!

When you need the best in responsive Internet marketing, turn to CAYK® – calgary's most trusted team!

By David A. West  Join me on Google+

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