Reaching Customers Through Search Ads

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The search engine is the go-to resource for whatever questions life brings. Need information on a health condition? Want to try a new restaurant? Curious about a new product? Looking for a new dentist? The modern search engine has an endless supply of answers and information. This breadth of data is why search ads are one the most important formats of online advertising.

What are search ads?

Search advertising (also known as sponsored ads, search marketing, search engine marketing, pay-per-click marketing, cost-per-click marketing) is a technique that displays ads in search engine results. Advertisers select a list of keywords that are relevant to their company/products and bid to have their ad show when someone searches for those words or phrases. The search provider displays a results page with both organic and sponsored results. Advertisers pay to have their ad displayed above or below the organic results. The advertiser is not charged until someone clicks on the ad. Search ads result in an increased likelihood of clicks and conversions as they're based on the explicit need of the user.

Types of search ads:

  • Text ads, dynamic search ads, and call-only ads are the most common kinds of ads on the Search Network. They appear with an “Ad” or “Ads” label on the search results page. They often show with ad extensions, allowing advertisers to include business details like location or phone number.
  • Shopping ads display and/or link to products for sale. They're labelled as “Sponsored” or appear with an “Ad” or “Ads” label on the search results page.
  • Image and video ads: Search partners can host image ads and video ads.

Reasons to use search ads:

  • Ensure a guaranteed spot on the front page of the search engine.
  • Gain visibility by getting your ads in front of more users.
  • Maintain/grow brand recognition.
  • Easy tracking, allowing every ad, keyword and penny spent to be quantified.
  • Ability to schedule ads and target them to specific locations and times.
  • Access to each search engine's affiliate network, websites and products.
  • To supplement organic traffic.
  • Capture high-quality leads precisely matched to a user's search intent.
  • Reach a small, specific target audience.
  • Ideal if your product or service has a short sales cycle.
  • Reach people who are actively searching for emergency service providers/products (plumbers, locksmiths, tow trucks, emergency veterinarians, electricians).
  • Good use of a small advertising budget.
  • Let's you cater to a local market.

Paid search advertising is an effective way to reach your audience at the moment they need your service/product. Choosing the right keywords requires a strong understanding of your prospective users and chosen platform. Craft your search ads in a way that calls responders to your website, product page and/or subscription link. Consider search ads for your company.

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