Dynamic Geographic Advertising and Content

Dynamically geotargeted content
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The most powerful marketing technique is personalization. 86% of consumers feel that personalization has some effect on what they purchase, while 25% claim that personalization significantly influences their purchase. This is why dynamically geotargeted ads/ is important. Tailoring a marketing experience to a visitor's location (and other identifiers) allows you to increase ad relevance, making the offer feel personal.

What is geotargeting and how does it work?

Every internet user has an IP address that indicates the user's specific location. The process of extracting the location of a visitor to a website from their IP address is called geotargeting. Advertisers use this information to specify the location they want their ads to show and choose different content for their ads based on geographic location.

Advantages of dynamic geographic advertising/content:

Why bother determining the location of your users? There are so many reasons!

  • Lets you dynamically modify content based on a user's location showing a targeted offer
  • Allows personalized content marketing to increase engagement
  • Help businesses optimize advertising returns
  • Location relevant content increases trust
  • Location relevant content catches a visitor's attention quickly
  • Enables you to easily follow the privacy laws and regulations of each area
  • Lets you experiment with seasonal offers by region
  • Increases foot traffic with in-store promos by region
  • Makes the checkout and payment process easier for customers
  • Allows you to test a new product/service in a small geographic area providing an opportunity to fine-tune your offering before a large launch
  • Allows you to create highly relevant ads
  • Improves user experience
  • Makes businesses locally relevant
  • Helps to spread information regarding offers and discounts to local audiences
  • Help businesses promote local marketing events
  • Helps you build authority as the go-to guy in your neighbourhood
  • Allows businesses to hide strategic ads from competitors
  • Increases service speed/reduces wait time
  • Easy to manage as only a small amount of content needs to be changed
  • Less work as duplicate pages are not required

Disadvantages of dynamic geographic advertising/content:

Dynamic geographic advertising does have some drawbacks. As an advertiser, you:

  • need some amount of HTML and CSS coding knowledge
  • may find it hard to implement if your CMS platform doesn't allow you to modify HTML
  • may find it SEO unfriendly as crawlers don't always detect dynamic content
  • might find that it does not support complex content that is generated dynamically (e.g. product grids)

Implementing dynamic geographic advertising/content:

You've decided to try geographic advertising. How do you begin? What do you do?

  • Ensure proper optimization of the location to decrease the likelihood of error
  • Match the advertisement language to the visitor's country/area of origin
  • Test various design elements, depending on the visitor's location
  • Understand the regional currency
  • Make offers matching the visitor's location
  • Match marketing campaigns to different locations
  • Segment by-product or service across various closed locations
  • Test a new product/service in a small geographic area to fine-tune your offering before a larger launch. 
  • Display products relevant to the local climate and culture
  • Display contact details of the closest stores
  • Include information re localized delivery deadlines
  • Implement geographically defined promotions
  • Consider special weather based ads 
  • Inform visitors regarding localized shipping offers
  • Display applicable local taxes

Dynamically geotargeted content significantly improves usability, enhances the visitor's overall experience and drives conversions. Stop squandering website visits on impersonal generic experiences. Leverage information regarding your users' locations to create offers that are relevant and personal to them. Enhance your customer's experience by experimenting with geotargeting information/advertising. 

Need help with dynamic geographic advertising? Require help with your marketing strategy? Call us at (403) 456-0072 or email [email protected].  Allow us to be your very own marketing department! Connect with our tightly-knit team of knowledgeable digital-first consultants, each eager to help your business grow. Contact us today.


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