Google vs. Facebook Advertising

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Most businesses have a limited marketing budget and therefore must decide where is best to use their advertising dollars. Which is better for your business, Google Ads or Facebook Ads? Both are great places to advertise, so the answer will depend upon your business, your audience and your goals.

Google Ads:

is the world's most popular and widely used search engine utilized by approximately 70% of online users when searching for information. Google Ads is the largest and most popular pay-per-click advertising platform (PPC). Results are transparent and almost instantaneous making this form of advertising worth every dollar spent.

Google Ads:

  • reach a large audience
  • let you consistently measure campaign performance (who clicked on your ad, how many leads have been generated, how much traffic you received from your ad, which keyword generated the most traffic/leads and how much it cost per lead).
  • Work faster than (SEO)
  • provide instant visibility at an instant cost
  • boost traffic, clicks, and conversions
  • provide a wide range of features (extensions, site links, user reviews, location targeting, shopping ads)
  • offer an exceptional level of customization and control
  • are an efficient way to tell people about your brand
  • are integrated with Gmail making it possible to reach prospects through their Gmail inbox
  • allow for remarketing on the display network
  • allow for remarketing on the search network
  • enable you to target people searching for your keywords in specific geographic regions

No matter what you sell or to whom, Google Ads has an ad format or feature that will make your goods or services more appealing to your target market. Google Ads helps you find new customers.

Facebook Ads:

Facebook is a social powerhouse with approximately 2.27 billion monthly active users. Facebook Ads help you find customers based on their interests and online behaviour. This advertising format makes it easy to find the right people, capture their attention and get results. Facebook ads give you a lot of bang for your buck.

Facebook Ads:

  • enable you to show your ads to a narrowly defined target audience (demographic, location, behaviours, lookalike audiences, age range, connections, language)
  • are low cost
  • give you access to a large mobile audience
  • provide you with robust metrics (weekly reach, page likes, post engagement, best performing posts, clicks, conversions, sales, comparison to your competition)
  • are easy to use and customizable
  • are visual allowing you to create beautiful, engaging ads
  • allow for remarketing
  • provide call to action choices (Book Now, Apply Now, Contact Us, Sign Up, Download, Learn More)
  • deliver continued visibility helping build trust
  • amplify your reach
  • create a community encouraging customer loyalty

Facebook Ads excel at targeting audiences based on their behaviours and patterns. Facebook Ads help new customers find you.

Whether you choose Google Ads or Facebook Ads will depend upon what you're looking to achieve with your advertising. If it's sales, leads, consultations- both platforms are perfect. If it's brand awareness or social following- Facebook is the best choice. If you want to sell products directly- both platforms will work. In reality, these platforms are complementary rather than adversarial. Consider using both in order to achieve maximum visibility, increase leads/sales, and find new customers. Build your brand with Facebook, close with Google. Target Your Facebook audience with Google Ads data. Find similar audiences on Facebook to boost both platforms. Together, paid search and paid social are remarkably effective advertising strategies.

Not sure whether to use Facebook or Google ads? Need help with your digital marketing strategy? Call us at (403) 456-0072 or email [email protected]  Allow us to be your very own marketing department! Connect with our tightly-knit team of knowledgeable digital-first consultants, each eager to help your business grow. Contact us today.


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