7 Internet Marketing Mistakes Calgary Businesses Are Still Making in 2014

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Sometimes, working with Calgary business web design can be a little bit frustrating. Even though we try to teach business owners and executives important lessons about , it's still surprisingly common to see some of the same mistakes being made again and again.

Here are seven of the most prominent and costly:

1. Using old templates for success. What worked before isn't a sure bet to work now, especially if you've been counting on old ideas about and social media. You don't have to follow fads to succeed in Internet marketing, but you do have to be aware of the major trends.

2. Letting their business websites get stale. When the look or of your business website no longer seems current, or accurately reflects what your company does, you take away the power of one of your most important promotional tools.

3. Not timing their contact correctly. Your most important customers will forget about you if you only contact them every few months, but they don't want to hear from you every other day, either. Figuring out the right timing for things like email newsletters is critical.

4. Getting all leads and sales from one or two channels. You should never be dependent on any one source of customers online, even if that source is the almighty . Take care to diversify your approach.

5. Failing to build relationships with . Social media isn't just for sharing vacation pictures; you can use it to answer customer questions, develop relationships, and enhance buyer loyalty. But, that's going to require a little bit of time and intentional effort.

6. Using tactics instead of campaigns. In Internet marketing, “a little bit of everything” is better than doing nothing at all. A focused approach to meeting and grabbing the interest of good customers is a much smarter strategy, however.

7. Not getting the right creative help. When you're working with the wrong creative team, or not at all, you're making it much harder than it has to be to make your business website a success.

When you need top-notch Internet marketing advice from a team of experienced experts, turn to CAYK® and see what our responsive marketing concepts can do for your company.

By David A. West  Join me on Google+

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