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Mobile and Your Marketing Plan in 2016

Mobile and Your Marketing Plan in 2016

As you may know, 2015 was a benchmark year for the ever-evolving relationship between the internet and consumer mobile devices. It was the first year in history that the number of mobile-only internet usage among adults surpassed that of desktop-only usage. This year, you should plan accordingly! The Basics Let’s consider your site and your SEO. Firstly, the necessity of a mobile friendly site is indisputable. And we’re not just

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What to Do If You Need More Business Now

What to Do If You Need More Business Now

The success of your marketing plan and how quickly you get results depends on what tools you use and how. Some take time while others are more immediate. So what if you need results as soon as possible? Here are a few things you should consider. AdWords If you want to spark a boost in traffic and start locking down more conversions with an AdWords campaign, it’s important to have

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How Has Marketing Changed with the Evolution of the Internet?

How Has Marketing Changed with the Evolution of the Internet?

Considering how significantly practices have changed, the marketing landscape certainly isn’t what it used to be. So how exactly did we get from the earliest billboard ads in 1867 to the latest infographics in 2015? Let’s look back on how things evolved and what this can teach us about our practices today and in the future. How it Happened Between the late ’60s and late ’80s, a growing system of

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Is Email Marketing Really Dead?

Is Email Marketing Really Dead?

Things have changed a lot since the ’90s, and the way we use email is no exception. Many people are quick to assume that things like social media have rendered email marketing redundant, but is this truly the case? Out of Fashion If email marketing was all the rage back in the late ’90s, why has focus shifted to other resources? The short answer: engagement. In email marketing, as with

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Appreciating Your Clients

Appreciating Your Clients

At CAYK, we like to talk about the importance of a personal touch in maintaining a strong network. This advice may seem like it only applies to converting potential clients into new clients, but the truth is that your customer community deserves your sincere appreciation! Here are a few ways you can build a strong rapport with the people you’ve served. Sending a Card When the holidays come around at

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Could Google Decide the Next Election?

Could Google Decide the Next Election?

We see Google show up in the media every day, usually regarding things like SEO, mobile technology, and other topics. One that has spread like wildfire lately is somewhat unusual: the effect of search listings on the outcome of elections. Let’s investigate. Google and The Voter Margin A wealth of recent research has made it quite clear that how a candidate is ranked in search listings has a direct correlation

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