Herding Cats: Why Doing Everything Without a Marketing Team Is So Difficult

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If you own a business, you probably have plenty of experience being in a leadership position. One thing that can get a bit overwhelming is delegating between large numbers of people. Believe it or not, the same can be true of your marketing plan.

What Successful Marketing Requires

These days, the range of skills and tasks required for good marketing is more diverse than ever. This is because the modern world of business demands that you cover as many bases as possible. A website, an active presence, images and , pay-per-click campaigns, and a consistent brand are all examples of how your marketing plan may be divided into projects of varying types. The best campaigns will dedicate a substantial amount of time and expertise to each individual component so that the whole package can truly elevate your business.

The Individual Specialist Approach

One way to accomplish this for your company is to seek out the skills of many individual specialists. In theory, each individual specialist is good at what they do because they’ve devoted time to that one task rather than covering a wider range of knowledge. Unfortunately, there are many problems with this scenario, and two stand out in particular. Firstly, the costs can add up qutie a bit, as specialists tend to use their skills as a way to justify higher rates. Secondly, you’ll be responsible for a lot more delegation and organization than you might have time for. Effectively, you’ll have a whole other branch of your company to run!

The Unified Team Approach

Alternatively, you can seek out and establish a relationship with a team that covers the full range of necessary marketing endeavours for your business. The major advantage here is that a fully qualified agency is its own self-managed entity. They can be trusted to provide a package that will give your company the marketing edge it needs without requiring all that extra work on your end. The best teams will shape a strategy for you depending on the unique circumstances and requirements of your business, communicating with you throughout the process to ensure an excellent experience. Sounds a lot better than herding cats and dealing with a handful of expensive independent contractors, doesn’t it?

Are you ready to outfit your company with a team that will provide a comprehensive marketing solution you can rely on? Get in touch with CAYK at (403) 456-0072 today to get started!

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