Marketing Automation Without CRO? It Could Be a Waste of Time!

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We’ve given you a look at some key considerations when it comes to , but many of the best tools offer the greatest results when combined with others. Marketing automation and conversion rate optimization, for instance, is a match made in heaven!

What’s Conversion Rate Optimization?

If you’re familiar with , you know that it aims to maximize the visibility of your site and overall brand in search results for certain related terms. CRO, on the other hand, is dedicated to maximizing the effectiveness of your site in securing conversions. Whether you want your site visitors to create an account, contact your business for an appointment, or perform any other desired act that ideally leads to the establishment of a new client, CRO practices are designed to ensure that it happens.

The Focus of Your Efforts

A significant portion of marketing efforts are focused on things like and PPC. While these are two vital components to any marketing strategy, it’s important not to forget where the moment of conversion most often arises. Marketing automation strategy can be applied in many avenues of digital marketing, but if you don’t harness its power for your landing pages, your conversion rates may never see the growth you want. This is why exploring automation technique could be a waste of time if you don’t address the most important venue for finally confirming a new client: your website.

Combining Two Powerful Strategies

You’ve probably learned from recent CAYK blogs that marketing automation is great for dynamically shaping your strategies to the characteristics and behaviour of your leads. This is precisely why it is the best friend of a smart CRO. Maximizing conversions is made far easier when you have high-quality analytics on your leads and can tailor the many elements of your site to the insights you gain from those analytics. The more relevant your landing pages, the better they meet the needs of your visitors. How do you achieve real growth? By utilizing the data to know your leads and by implementing the right tools to give them what they want!

The potential of marketing automation and conversion rate optimization is one of the most important aspects of digital marketing to keep an eye on today. CAYK is here to offer you a comprehensive strategy that will give you real results, so call (403) 456-0072 to get started!

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