Improving Your Brand’s Online Presence

Improve Your Brand's Online Presence
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Your brand's online presence is what allows people to find, interact, get to know, like and trust you. The face behind your business is as crucial as the business itself. It's important to create a positive image and a personal brand presence. What strategies can you use to engage users and improve your brand's online presence?

  • Determine your goals: Establish short and long-term goals for your company. Strategically build your online presence to help accomplish these goals. Track and measure your progress regularly to keep your business moving forward. 
  • Build a strong website: Begin with your website, the hub where people go to learn about what you offer, contact you and engage with your . Include a clear message, easy-to-use navigation, an opt-in giveaway, a contact page, an about page and valuable content. Add location, hours, prices, products/services and your company's history. Show off your brand through colours, fonts, text, video, and images. 
  • Optimize for mobile: 92.8% of people use their mobile devices to go online, at least some of the time, making a mobile-friendly website crucial.
  • Master SEO: Use keyword research, including internal and external links and create educational content that matches your target audiences' search queries. Make sure your site is set up correctly, has simple URL structuring and loads quickly.
  • Consider the user experience (UX): Consumers have unlimited options! If you wish users to choose your site, their experience is a priority. Make your sight straightforward, attractive and easy to use. Use data analysis to determine how your site is being employed and to identify areas for improvement. 
  • Manage your online presence: Set aside time (weekly) to write a new blog post, respond to reviews and/or develop a new ad campaign. Engage with followers and subscribers. Partner with a digital marketing agency that specializes in improving online presence. 
  • Provide valuable content: Whatever form it takes (blog, podcasts, videos, infographics, ebooks, quizzes), make sure you provide consistent and valuable content. It should be relevant, engaging and informative. Content will help your brand gain credibility, establish authority in the industry, build relationships, create a brand personality and give people a reason to follow you.  
  • Be social: Choose one or two social channels that work best for your business and regularly post and engage on them. Consistency is the key. This will help your brand reach your intended audience, gain fans and followers, build credibility, instill trust, build your reputation, develop strong relationships and showcase your brand.
  • Constant optimization: You are never done improving your brand's online presence. Constantly look for ways to improve your content and optimize your site.
  • Guest posting and podcasting: Connect with others by requesting to guest post or be a guest on their podcast. This will help you build relationships, get your brand in front of a new audience, show what you have to offer, share what makes you unique and showcase your expertise. Guest posting can result in increased traffic, a strong backlink and a lot of social attention.
  • Try online advertising: A good ad that shows in the top search results can build brand awareness, increase your visibility, generate website/ traffic and boost your revenues.
  • Consider influencer marketing: Consumers look to influencers for reviews and promotion. Engage with the most popular figures in your niche. The more people talk about you, the more you show up online.
  • List on web directories: Directories (Bing Places, My Business, Angie's List, Yelp, and Yellow Pages, etc.) allow you to generate more web traffic and reach your target audience efficiently. They're especially relevant to local searches. 

Your brand's online presence has a broad reach and is important for business success. When built successfully, it can gain you fans, followers, leads and customers. If you wish to create a robust online presence for your brand, you'll need to invest some time and effort. 

Need help improving your brand's online presence? Want assistance with your digital marketing strategies? Call us at (403) 456-0072 or email [email protected]. Allow us to be your very own marketing department! Connect with our tightly-knit team of knowledgeable digital-first consultants, each eager to help your business grow. Contact Us today.


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