5 High-ROI Internet Marketing Tools for 2014

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In a recent post, we reminded business owners and executives that plans should consist of a lot more than a simple checklist of items to do or try. But, that doesn't mean there aren't certain ingredients that almost every business should be taking advantage of.

To help you ensure you aren't missing out on any of the basics, here are five high-ROI Internet marketing tools for 2014:

1. Standout web design. Does the quality of your web design still matter, at a time when everyone has a professionally created business website? It matters even more, for those same reasons. Great design still stands out, and you want your web layout to attract attention from customers.

2. SEO. Even though is undergoing some changes, is still your most important source of leads and targeted traffic.

3. Social media. Using social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, you can create new relationships with key decision-makers and increase brand loyalty at a very low cost.

4. Responsive web design. Responsive websites add mobile web compatibility to your business, which is something no organization can afford to ignore. More and more buyers are going mobile, so your company should be ready.

5. . With a strong email marketing campaign, you can keep in touch with your most important customers, alert them of any new products and specials, and remain on the top of their minds when they have a need for what you have to sell.

While some of these Internet marketing methods have been around for a while, and others are relatively new, they are all different and effective in their own way. So, make sure you're not missing out on anything important this year, and call us today if you have questions on putting these tactics to work for you.

By David A. West  Join me on Google+

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