How to Keep Succeeding With Google AdWords in 2013

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Even though lots of different techniques come in and out of vogue every year, AdWords remains one of the fastest, most predictable, and most efficient at bringing targeted traffic to your business website or online store. But, as with everything else online, the way you use it should constantly be changing and evolving.

To help you make the most of your bids – and the AdWords advertising platform as a whole – here are a few quick tips for using your account in 2013 and beyond:

1. Always be getting more specific. Tightly targeted ads, keyword-specific groupings, and lots of negative keywords are all “must-haves” in today's Internet advertising world. In fact, the more closely you can target your potential customer and align your message with their search, the easier time you'll have remaining profitable.

2. Embrace Google's new advertising tools. The world's largest search engine is always introducing new innovations, but perhaps none has been as important as Google Remarketing, which allows you to reach potential customers multiple times after they've visited your site or clicked on your ad. Used correctly, it can help you explode your conversion ratios in just a few months.

3. Pay close attention to bids and conversion rates. Because the prices are increasing in most markets (due to increased competition), it's more important than ever to know how much you are paying for specific keywords… and what kinds of sales you are earning as a result. Remember that the goal is to help your bottom line with efficiency, not to simply bring in the traffic.

When you need help with Google AdWords and other forms of Internet advertising, we should be your first call. Contact us to set up a free consultation today.

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