5 PPC Mistakes That May Be Damaging Your Marketing Plan

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Working with PPC platforms like Google Ads can be a highly nuanced and often challenging endeavour. Nevertheless, it’s one of the most essential elements of your marketing plan. If you want to get the most ROI from your ad budget, you’ll want to avoid these five PPC mistakes.

Ad Copy That Doesn’t Stand Out

The copy in a PPC ad is one of the most influential factors determining its CTR. It goes without saying that this text should be persuasive, but many business owners conduct ad campaigns with copy that too closely resembles that of their competitors. Your and aren’t the only things that should express the unique voice of your brand. Your ads should too.

Focusing Too Much on Sales Conversions

Perhaps the most obvious form of conversion is a sale. You’ve officially earned a new customer. As crucial as this is for your bottom line, it’s a mistake to see this as the center of your PPC universe. Countless forms of conversions exist at all stages of the funnel, such as content downloads and email list signups. These “soft conversions” should be part of your strategy!

Bidding Too Broad

Keyword bidding is tricky, so there are plenty of dangerous temptations that business owners give into when trying to make it easier. One that you should be extra careful of is bidding on a higher quantity of keywords rather than opting for quality and precision. For instance, in many situations, going straight for broach match can quickly drain your budget and tank your ROI.

Inadequate or Flawed Remarketing

Each lead goes on a journey when experiencing your brand, and your remarketing technique needs to be designed accordingly. Too many companies approach this without proper segmentation or other essential steps. The ads that a lead or client experiences should dynamically depend on what you know about that person and how they should be re-engaged.

Biting Off More Than You Can Chew

Even experienced marketers face difficult obstacles when building and maintaining PPC ad campaigns. It’s not an aspect of marketing that should be taken lightly, yet it’s quite common for business owners to dive in headlong without a precise strategy or without expert help. You’ll always get the most value from your budget when you have a marketing team at your side.

CAYK is proud to offer sophisticated marketing solutions for hard-working business owners like you. With comprehensive expertise and total commitment to our clients, we’ll never let you down. Call (403) 456-0072 or contact us here to schedule a consultation, we’d love to meet you!


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