What Many New Clients Still Don’t Get About Agile Marketing

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Here at CAYK®, our clients often think we have two different jobs: working to become the very best  firm in Calgary and spreading the word about agile marketing like it’s a religion.

It’s true that you can barely walk into our offices without hearing how agile marketing is changing the world, but we think that’s a good thing – how can we help more of our clients if they don’t understand why our way’s better?

Despite all of our preaching and priding, however, there is one detail about agile marketing that lots of new clients still seem to miss: that it isn’t about doing different Internet marketing techniques, but putting them together in a way that achieves the right results.

In other words, it’s all about things like new sales and bottom-line improvement.

To understand why that is, and how it makes such a difference, there are a few things you have to keep in mind about the agile marketing process:

  • Agile marketing is a philosophy. It’s the belief that individual Internet marketing techniques can work well, but that the overall strategy should change over time to reflect competitive strengths and market fluctuations.
  • With agile marketing you can experiment with new ideas, or just change your focus, from one month or quarter to the next without losing sight of your overall goals.
  • When it’s planned and managed correctly, an agile marketing campaign will grow in step with an organization. As the marketing plan succeeds, the company expands; that, in turn, leads to new ideas within the marketing plan and so on.

To get a more in-depth demonstration about how agile marketing works, or to see some of our case studies, contact CAYK® today for a free Calgary Internet marketing consultation.

By David A. West  Join me on Google+

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