Wishing You Happy Holidays and a Great New Year!

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2017 has been yet another highly rewarding year for the CAYK team. Not only have we joined forces with so many great new clients, we've strengthened our relationships with those who have been with us for years. It's only right that we take some time to enjoy this holiday moment!

A Thank You to Our Clients

First things first: We owe a deep sense of gratitude to all of the businesses we've had the fortune of working with, both this year and in years previous. Without them and their hard work, CAYK wouldn't be what it is today. Not only are they the lifeblood of our operation, they keep us inspired and motivated, as every professional bond we build with a local company reminds us of just how diverse the needs and goals of our clients can be. This continuously informs our approach and, most importantly, pushes us to be the dynamic marketing team that our community needs.

The Importance of Appreciation

Why is it so essential for us to be thankful for what we do and who we do it for? This can be such a fast-paced industry that when you're at your busiest, it's easy to take for granted everything that makes it worthwhile in the first place. Many marketers get stuck in this mindset and forget to celebrate their work and the people they serve, and this is bound to have a harmful effect on the working dynamic between them and their clients. It's our aim to avoid this at all costs, as a strong and personalized connection is everything.

What Lies Ahead

Just as we always have, CAYK and its sister companies will go into the New Year aiming to provide all of the most essential digital marketing services to businesses of many types and sizes. Whether we're guiding you towards higher click-through rates on your PPC campaigns or helping you combine automation with CRO, we'll be there to make your goals a reality through a holistic approach and a community-focused philosophy. In our line of work, there's always something new and exciting on the horizon, so join us on our journey towards real growth!

On behalf of everyone on the CAYK team, enjoy your holidays! This can be a busy time of year for many businesses, so don't hesitate to call us at (403) 456-0072 if you're in need of holiday marketing help. We're closed from the 25th to January 3rd, so we hope to hear from you soon!

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