5 Social Media Marketing Mistakes Your Business Might Be Making

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Despite its power as a marketing tool, social media management is often quite misunderstood. If you want to build a strong audience, engage with your community, and drive traffic to your business website, you'll want to ensure that your social strategy doesn't have any of these potentially fatal flaws.

Not Using Social Media to Your Advantage

By far the biggest mistake a business owner can make when it comes to is deciding not to use it at all. It's not uncommon for businesses to see a marketing effort like advertising as 100% essential while seeing social media as a superficial add-on. In reality, social media not only offers its own stunning capabilities as an advertising tool, it's an indispensable component of customer care, brand development, lead generation, and so much more.

Taking a Hands-Off Approach

Also fairly common are businesses who get as far as starting their social media profiles but don't go further than that. This isn't much better than skipping out on it altogether! It's crucial that a company create a clear social media strategy and realize it with consistent use, engagement, and intent. Your leads and clients must feel that there's a team of great people behind the profiles, people who will answer their questions and share valuable information with them.

Ignoring Negative Feedback (Or Dealing with It Poorly)

Let's say you create awesome profiles for your business, posting high-quality and fun glimpses into the culture of your company. Don't forget that you may also receive negative forms of engagement. Social media is about transparency and sincerity, not to mention keeping your reputation solid. Don't ignore negative reviews, and don't address them with angry or defensive replies. Your community is watching, so be sure to resolve these issues with humility and class!

Failing to Track Your Strategy

Okay, so you've got awesome profiles on the right platforms, your engagement is consistent and excellent, and you're even responding beautifully to the occasional not-so-stellar review. How do you know for certain that your social strategy is getting you the conversions that you need? No marketing effort can be fully successful without tracking and reporting. The analytics tools available today will help you develop a strategy with a clear direction and measurable results.

Missing Out on Paid Social

If there's one thing everyone can understand about social media platforms, it's that they're all incredibly crowded places. How do you overcome all that noise to secure the attention of your leads and better retain your existing customers? Paid social, of course! With a strong social media advertising strategy, you'll be far better equipped to guide users towards conversions using persuasive ads, boosted posts, and next-level audience segmentation and targeting.

Do you want your business to get the most out of social media marketing? From setting up and managing your profiles to posting excellent content, maintaining your reputation, and tracking the results of your strategy, CAYK is here to help! Call (403) 456-0072 to find out more today.


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