Content Matters: Your Clients Are Reading Your Website

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Your marketing plan can't live up to its potential unless you have great visibility in organic search results. Without high-quality , this will only be a pipe dream. So what does “high quality” mean exactly? For one thing, it needs to be accessible not just to you, but to your clients!

Walking in Their Shoes

You know a thing or two about what you do. From your perspective, all the basic information surrounding your profession is pretty intuitive. So let's say you start writing a blog to fill your company website with content that will boost your traffic, organic search ranking, and notoriety. The last thing you want is for someone to visit your blog hoping to learn about your products or services only to be confronted with insider jargon. If you don't start from the ground up in terms of what topics you delve into, you'll lose your leads quick. This is why ensuring that your content is accessible to the layperson is so critical.

The Value of a Professional Writer

There are many aspects of your marketing plan that you can (and should) be directly involved in. However, not only are you probably too busy to write all that copy yourself, there is a need for a certain tone and style designed for a more universal audience. This is where the value of a professional content writer lies. When you partner up with a marketing team to put together a digital marketing solution, part of that solution is combining the knowledge you have about your business with the skills of a writer who can translate that into valuable, approachable content for potential and established clients alike.

A Collaborative Process

What is the nature of the collaborative dynamic between you and the writers you've entrusted with your content? Instead of writing the web copy yourself, work closely to ensure that your writers know the key pieces of information that you want your leads and clients to grab ahold of. If you've chosen the right calgary marketing agency, they'll be able to use that information to build a picture of what you do, one that is accurate and detailed while also being helpful to someone who hasn't worked in your industry!

Is the content on your company's website accessible to your audience? Creating excellent content with a universal touch isn't always easy, but it's one of many marketing tasks that the CAYK team can help make easier. Call us at (403) 456-0072 today for more information!

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