Why Chatbots will Soon Dominate Customer Service

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A chatbot is a computer software program driven by artificial intelligence (AI). It simulates a natural human conversation with human users, in a text format. It can be embedded and used through any messaging application (websites, mobile apps, telephone, messaging apps). Chatbots interpret and process users' words/phrases and give an instant pre-set answer. Chatbot technology has advanced in recent years due to improved AI and machine-learning capabilities. It feels much like talking to a real person. What can chatbots do for your customer service operations?

  • Greater customer satisfaction: A crucial element of obtaining and maintaining customer loyalty is customer satisfaction. Chatbots provide an instant response relevant to the customer's query. They never lose patience! They can deliver personalized experiences by accessing the history of a customer's interactions with your company. Chatbots can direct customers to answers that will help them solve their own issues and/or gather the needed information. The immediate response and reduced resolution speed lessen customer stress, increasing customer satisfaction.
  • Save time: Chatbots provide fast automated answers to most questions allowing you to serve greater numbers of clients and freeing employees for other tasks.
  • Save money: Chatbots reduce operational costs by reducing staffing needs.
  • Increase customer base: A chatbot can answer multiple questions simultaneously, allowing you to make contact with more customers. Many users are more comfortable speaking with a chatbot than sending an email or placing a telephone call, making chatbots an efficient way to reach new customers.
  • Cut down on errors and provide consistent answers: Overworked and stressed human customer service representatives make errors. Chatbots do not. They need no breaks and perform at the same level regardless of how many times they repeat an action.
  • 24-hour service: Customers demand immediate responses from businesses, even during off-business hours! Chatbots are available 24/7 and are capable of instant replies, increasing the chances of converting first-time visitors into active customers.
  • Increase efficiency: Chatbots can quickly and accurately transfer messages to the relevant department thus increasing overall efficiency.
  • Reduce language barriers: A chatbot understands different tones and intents in language. It can handle thousands of customer queries, in multiple languages, at one time making it especially useful for global companies.
  • Gather data: A chatbot can remember conversations and analyze the details in order to improve service and meet customer expectations. They provide your business with detailed, actionable records of your customers' greatest pain points, helping you improve your products and services.

Live chat software has a 73% satisfaction rate as a way for customers to interact with businesses. 64% of internet users say 24-hour service is the best chatbot feature. Today's chatbots are a critical component of customer-service operations and will soon dominate customer service. They allow companies opportunities to engage with customers in new and different ways, helping generate more profits and greater success.

Need help choosing and integrating a chatbot? Need help with your digital marketing strategy? Call us at

or email [email protected]  Allow us to be your very own marketing department! Connect with our tightly-knit team of knowledgeable digital-first consultants, each eager to help your business grow. Contact us today.


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