Tag: social media

Weather based advertising

Weather Based Advertising

The weather has a large influence on human behaviour, including consumer purchasing behaviour. Temperature, humidity, snowfall, and, especially sunlight, or the lack of it, can

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Google Partner

What is a Google Partner?

The Google Partners program was designed for marketing agencies to manage Google Ads accounts on behalf of brands/businesses. It’s active in over 60 countries and

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What is Native Advertising?

Digital marketing is one of the most popular advertising trends of this century. Traditional styles of digital advertising (pop-up ads, banner ads, promotional image tiles)

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What is Marketing Automation?

Marketing is the action of promoting and selling products and/or services and includes market research and advertising. Over time, there’s been a shift away from

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Digital Marketing in 2023

A digital marketing strategy is an actionable marketing plan for expanding your online reach and establishing your business’ presence on the internet. It raises awareness

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