Is Video Really Worth It?

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Everyone says video is absolutely necessary, but is it worth it? Producing a video today is kind of like producing a website in the past, “You build it, but nobody watches.” While video is very important to a well-rounded digital marketing strategy, it's not exactly like you're building the Hoover Dam in the desert.

Unless you make an effort to comprehensively promote your video, it's highly unlikely that you'll receive the desired number of views. Finding the right avenues to effectively market your video, however, can be more difficult than you might imagine.

The Google Display Network

Once you've created a visually stimulating marketing video, you need to disseminate your new as widely as possible. Fortunately, you can tap into the Display Network, “the largest global network with vast reach.”

“Google Display ads communicate across all devices and media platforms, featuring an effective combination of placement, contextual and audience targeting tools to help you find, reach and connect with your audience more efficiently than ever before.”

With the capability to reach more than 90% of Internet users throughout the world, the Google Display Network can serve more than a trillion different impressions to more than one billion users every month. The network's comprehensive array of ad formats helps you engage more potential customers than ever, regardless of their specific location.

The Google Display Network will help you make sure that your ads reach both existing and potential customers at the right time in the right places, whether that be on a mobile device, tablet, or desktop computer.

Why Video is Really Worth It

Some businesses may still be hesitant to make an investment in new forms of adverting media. While it can be easy to produce a video that fails to have the desired impact, a well designed video marketing strategy can help you achieve impactful results that boost your bottom line.

The human aspect of video marketing, for starters, helps you communicate directly with customers in friendly manner. Nobody likes the “used car salesman” approach, but this is largely because of a fundamental lack of human connection. When it comes to connecting with potential customers around the world, being able to put a trustworthy face with your product or service offerings can be a huge factor in creating brand loyalty.

Voice recognition, in addition to facial identification, is also a highly advanced part of the human brain. According to a LinkedIn written by DJ Horton, Director of Operations at Layer Cake Creative, “Voice inflections carry information that just isn't conveyed through text.”

Video is also much more effective than other advertising media when it comes to eliciting an emotional response. Emotions can be highly contagious, and making the viewer feel an emotional connection to your brand can significantly increase the chances of converting that viewer into a tangible customer.

At CAYK®, we understand that video has a number of benefits in the advertising world, if you know how to properly produce and disseminate your content. If you'd like to speak with our team about your specific marketing needs, please don't hesitate to give us a call at 403-456-0072 today!

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